Happy business partners. Group of young modern people in smart casual wear looking at camera and smiling while standing in the creative office

Choosing Your Technology Partners: Trust and Dedication in the Digitalization Landscape


Real Business to Business (B2B) is a world of trust, and the formula for trust is the sum of Credibility, Reliability, and Intimacy divided by Self-orientation. Divided Self-orientation implies that the people on the provider’s side are genuinely dedicated to supporting and openly sharing their knowledge with customers, treating them as valued friends. The cornerstone of B2B relations lies in the close connection between service providers and customers, fostering a culture of mutual support and collaboration.

As the AECOO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner Operator) industry accelerates its digitization evolution, there is a growing demand for technology support from B2B companies. SAAS (Software as a Service), therefore, plays a pivotal role in this evolving landscape. In the context of SAAS in AECOO, service providers go beyond merely establishing a business partnership; they transform into strategic technology partners.

What is a technology partner in B2B (Business to Business)?

A technology partner is a business entity that works collaboratively with another organization (or organizations) to leverage technology solutions to achieve strategic objectives. This partnership may include multiple  aspects, such as integrating tools, enriching data, and structuring workflows. These partners may take the form of software vendors or technology consulting firms, or both.

In essence, the role of a technology partner is to extend a company’s technological capabilities, offer more value to customers and fill gaps in technical expertise, allowing customers to focus on their core business functions while the partner handles the technological aspects.

As this collaboration extends beyond a transactional relationship, a technology partner is not only a service provider but also a strategic collaborator that helps its customers navigate the ever-evolving technology landscape.

Navigating Trust in Tech B2B Technology Partnerships

Examining the MBA programs at top-notch business schools worldwide reveals a remarkable emphasis on the analysis of “case studies.” Post-grad students are often tasked with analyzing case studies of companies that made certain decisions and succeeded as a result. However, what’s particularly funny is the prevalence of simplistic case studies that are directly or indirectly related to B2C (Business to Customer) instead of B2B (Business to Business).

There is a natural aversion to analyzing real B2B, just as there is for sales, and there’s a reason behind it. In our world, currently in its third cycle of industrialization, it is a norm to measure things to understand them. And to measure effectively, we rely on standardized indicators that are easily quantifiable. However, B2B  is a relational people’s business and it has its very own specific KPIs. B2B, unlike merely selling products or services, is about building relationships with people and companies with whom we would like to collaborate. And this requires a type of KPIs that are not easy to establish and measure – KPIs for trust.

Despite the challenges, the amount of B2B on this planet is much greater than B2C. Therefore, whether we prefer it or not, building trust and credibility is an essential item to tick off in the strategy of any business, particularly concerning B2B in general and AECOO SAAS, specifically.

Why is trust in technical solution partners important when it comes to AECOO SAAS specifically?

Most company leaders have learned a crucial lesson during the last 25 years of progressive digitalization: it’s not just about the tool or software, but rather the choice of the company behind it that matters.

Why? Because our team will collaborate with theirs. When we download a single-function app from a store, it’s merely a B2C transaction that can only affect us as consumers. However, when a company decides to invest in technology, the impact of that decision is far-reaching and more complex. While the functionalities of the technology are absolutely crucial, we’ve come to understand over the years that the service and the relationships around it hold even greater significance.

  • If we choose the right partner, we will have a seamless implementation and a perfect rollout and adoption
  • If we choose the right partner, we will have a fast and friendly support line every time we need a bit of assistance.
  • On the flip side, if the partner is only interested in the transaction of his code against money, we will suffer a lot.

Recent lessons for company leaders emphasize that selecting a specific technology means committing to a particular way of doing things and specific technology, thereby rejecting other options. Opting for a company closely wired to us ensures not only insights into what we purchase but also what that company knows and learns.

Choosing a partner at the bleeding edge of technology enables our teams to engage with theirs, gaining valuable insights. Our organization benefits from a provider with an open and sharing culture, allowing middle management to exchange ideas with experts and potentially influence the roadmap with innovative concepts. Additionally, our teams can receive timely guidance and support from the Customer Success (CS) teams of that provider.

How does my company find the right digital technology partner?

Finding the right technology partner may involve a systematic approach that aligns with your business needs and goals. 

  • Identify your specific technology needs: Whether it’s software development, data analytics, or IT services, a clear understanding of your requirements forms the basis of your search.
  • Research prospective partners: Some major aspects to look at are their expertise, track record, price and reputation in the market. Then you assess their financial stability and commitment to innovation. Last but not least, review carefully their customer reviews and case studies for more valuable insights into their performance and customer service. 
  • Consider the cultural fit: The partner’s communication style, values, and work ethic should align with yours for a successful collaboration. 
  • Evaluate provider’s customer success team: The success team plays a vital role in your success when acquiring and onboarding a software tool. They stay close to end-users, updating teams, exploring new opportunities, and providing continuous improvement workshops. You should ensure that they’re reliable and committed to supporting your team throughout the process and that your team is comfortable working with them before partnering with this technology provider.
  • Ensure open, flexible and scalable solutions to accommodate your business growth and changing needs: It’s crucial to select a partner capable of scaling with your business, especially in the dynamic digital landscape that presents new opportunities on a daily basis. The chosen partner should be adaptable, allowing seamless integration into various technology needs without causing lock-in issues.

In conclusion, for all companies, a technology partnership is a long-term investment.

At Catenda, we recognize the significance of this decision. As a software provider, we are committed to staying true and persistent in our values, which include being open, building trust, and striving for quality. Beyond merely selling software solutions to our customers in the AECOO industry, we see ourselves as a partner collaborating with them to create enduring value together in the long term.