Flexible IT Solutions for a Dynamic Construction Industry


Construction companies are project-based businesses. The dynamic nature, volatility, and complexity of this sector create many problems and challenges that need to be overcome.

To address these challenges effectively, project-based businesses require project-based B2B relationships with technology providers. These providers should adapt their business models to be flexible toward usage by project phases. In other words, construction firms should switch their IT spending from big upfront costs (CapEx) to ongoing, predictable costs (OpEx). This allows them to better manage fluctuations in macro cycles, economic drivers, project intensity (peaks and lows), and complex collaboration dynamics.

What are the problems in the construction, real-estate and infrastructure industry?

There is probably not an industry or sector on this planet that has the virtue or defect to expand and contract more and faster than its necessities. When we compare project-based industries vs operations-based industries, there is already a huge difference. But in the specific case of real estate and infrastructure, it is even greater.

  • Macro Cycles and Economic Drivers: The construction industry is heavily influenced by macroeconomic cycles, meaning it expands and contracts based on economic drivers. This leads to fluctuations in production levels, making it challenging for companies to maintain stability.
  • Atomization of Participants: There is a high level of fragmentation within the construction industry, with numerous small participants involved in various stages of projects. This atomization complicates coordination and collaboration efforts.
  • Intense Peaks and Lows: The lifecycle of construction projects is characterized by intense periods of activity followed by low periods. This accordion-like pattern creates challenges in resource management, scheduling, and maintaining momentum throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Complex Collaboration Dynamics: The collaboration between project teams, especially during the phases of design, preconstruction, and construction, can be intricate and intense. Managing these dynamics effectively is crucial for project success but can be challenging due to the diverse interests and priorities of the involved parties.

Switching from Big Upfront Costs to Ongoing Savings: the best answers to the problems faced by each company in the AECO industry

What type of technology is used by construction firms in the AECO industry?

Technologies that offer enhanced usage flexibility are, therefore, naturally welcome in the construction industry.

Construction companies utilize several key technologies, including Building Information Modeling (BIM), drones, scanning technology, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), AI (Artificial intelligence), modular construction, and sustainable technologies.

Currently, instead of investing a lot of capital on managing their own IT infrastructure including hardware, software and maintenance, construction companies are turning to external providers for IT support and services.

This trend includes a growing adoption of Software as a Service (SaaS). This shift is a game-changer, offering construction firms crucial scalability, a major benefit in this dynamic industry. 

What is the role of SaaS (Software as a Service) in solving the problems of the AECO industry?

The inherent flexibility and scalability of SaaS applications offer AECO professionals unparalleled opportunities to optimize resource utilization, adapt to project variations, and ultimately elevate overall operational efficiency.

Cost-Effective Agility: Scaling Up and Down with Ease

The dynamic nature of AECO projects, which can vary significantly in size and complexity, demands a level of flexibility that traditional IT infrastructures simply cannot provide. SaaS applications cater to this need by allowing organizations to scale their usage up or down in real-time. This agility is particularly valuable during peak project phases when additional computing power may be required or during quieter periods when resources can be scaled back, preventing unnecessary costs. If this scalability comes with a provider’s pricing, in which the peaks do not mean surprises in terms of budget (like Catenda), we have a perfect fit.

Real-Time, Global Access: AECO Collaboration Without Borders

Furthermore, SaaS facilitates the global collaboration essential in the AECO industry. As projects expand geographically, so do the requirements for computing resources. SaaS applications, being cloud-based, enable seamless access to the necessary tools and data from anywhere in the world. This not only enhances collaboration among dispersed teams but also ensures that all stakeholders have consistent and timely access to the latest project information.

How Catenda technology can help and support you to work effortlessly and effectively throughout your building project lifecycle?

Our cloud-based ecosystem is built specifically for the AECO industry, helping you simplify workflows, boost collaboration across teams and manage everything from design to maintenance with ease.

Tired of software headaches?

At Catenda, we understand your struggle with licensing, setup, onboarding, and ongoing maintenance costs. We also recognize the challenges of managing software during construction’s slow seasons!

Focus on what matters.

No matter at what stage of the project you are, let Catenda take the burden off your shoulders. Here’s how our 4 key solutions can help:

  • Catenda Hub: A cloud-based platform for managing all your construction project data (plans, models, documents) and workflows (scheduling, communication, issue tracking).
  • Catenda Site: Your on-site companion app for accessing Catenda Hub projects, managing issues, and viewing plans.
  • Catenda Boost: A toolkit for building custom BIM solutions and extending existing software to streamline workflows.
  • Catenda Duo: The platform for optimizing building data to reduce environmental impact.

But wait, there’s more!

We also have a great universe of integrations that allow your team to work seamlessly with their favorite tools to unlock endless possibilities.

Catenda goes beyond software – we’re the strategic technology partner of your construction firms. We’ll help you navigate a smooth IT transition, maximize adoption, and ensure your construction project success.