Catenda webinar banner with the topic IFC creation: the Good the Bad and the Ugly

IFC creation: the Good the Bad and the Ugly


The increasing number of software & formats used in the AEC industry has complexified the collaboration between the different disciplines. This leads to confusion which results in waste of crucial information, increase of delays, higher costs etc.

To facilitate interoperability, Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) has been created by buildingSMART. IFC is an open standard, an object format for open BIM data exchange. The format can be used either to exchange information from one stakeholder to another, as a means of archiving project information or as an “as-built” collection of information.

During this webinar, our speaker Julien Benoit (Head of Customer Success at Catenda), will give you the necessary keys to generate your IFCs and know how they work in Bimsync, our Common Data Environment.

In this session you will learn:

  • What happens to an IFC in Bimsync?
  • Best practices for generating your IFCs
  • Mistakes to be avoided while generating your IFCs


portrait of julien benoit - CCO Catenda

Julien Benoit

Head of Customer Success at Catenda